Senior night starting at 6:30! Thank you ladies for your dedication to Charger Basketball!

A week in review...https://twitter.com/medudekpl/status/1225905982145953793?s=09

BMRSD Leadership Team hard at work reviewing the progress we have made on our Blueprint for District Improvement!

Happy Black History Month

Greenie!!! Thank you so much for your many years of dedicated service! Your retirement is certainly well deserved. You will be missed greatly!

Needed skills of BMRHS Grads!

Portrait of a Graduate Team is HARD at work!!! Way to go team!!!

This is OUR job.

Let’s go middle school, Charger boys!

Let’s gear up for another great week, Team BMRSD! Parents, can’t wait to see our students tomorrow!

This Wednesday, January 29th at 7pm in the BMR auditorium, the combined 5th Grade Band will be having their first concert as instrumentalists! Please join us, the concert is free!

Let’s go, Charger Boys!

The JFK/AFM Complex about sing in Providence! Let’s go, Young Chargers!

Students showcasing their 3D alternative energy models in Environmental Science class. All materials used were recycled items.

Let’s go Girls!

Chargers Friday Night B-Ball!

Please click the link below for a very brief video on how to use our new mobile app. It is super quick and helpful!" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ai9izVHqh4NeGOFUXcloEW9F5Pd5D9t7/view?usp=sharing

A HUGE THANK YOU to DA Joe Early for the grant for new softball uniforms! We truly appreciate the support! Go Chargers!

Thank You, DA Early!

Looking forward to tonight’s joint mtg between town leadership and School Committee to start working through our budget for next year!