CORRECTION: The Empty Bowl event was put on by our Nation Honor Society. So sorry for the mistake. Thank you, NHS, for putting together such a wonderful fundraiser for our Blackstone Food Pantry!

Thanks, BMRHS STUCO! What a great Empty Bowl fundraiser!! We are so lucky to have such a giving community!

“Test driving” a biomed challenge! Ms. Breen saves the day!!!!

Our new BMRHS Biomedical pathway program officially launches today at the Mass Stem Hub training at WPI! Can’t wait to see this change the landscape of opportunities for students at the high school!

Thank you Mrs. Jones’ Grade 1 students! I loved sharing one of my favorite children stories with you this morning!!! What an awesome way to start the week!

Congratulations to March’s Students of the Month at MES!

Thank you, Ms. Allard and all Literacy lunch participants for sharing such great insight about your most recent read - A Wrinkle in Time. There’s nothing better than talking books with kids... ok, and cupcakes!

Attn Grade 8 Families: Please join us on Thursday, 3/5 @ 6pm at BMRHS for our Grade 8 BMRHS Open House! Hope to see you there!

Congratulations to the very first BMRHS DECA Team who is competing in Boston against 3400 students!! You’re all making your Charger family so proud!

Mid Day Bus Monitor - https://5il.co/db9b

Our Portrait of a Graduate Team is hard at work at BMRHS!

I’m totally blown away by Ms. Keane’s grades 4/5 split classroom! I had the absolute pleasure of spending this afternoon with some of the most focused and brilliant 4th & 5th graders I’ve ever met! Ms. Keane’s energy is totally unmatched and her class is going places! You made my week!

What a beautiful ceremony and breakfast this morning in honor of Isaiah Lussier. Thank you FWHMS Garden Club, Principal Curt and staff. It was so special and heartwarming.

So great to honor a few of our AP Computer Science students and their teacher Ms. Hunt! BMRHS received the female diversity award from College Board! Let’s go, BMRHS!

Last week was counselor appreciation! BMRSD is celebrating it Valentine’s week because we LOVE our counselors and the work they do LOVING our kids! Thank you, Counseling Staff!

Congratulations to our grades 7 and 8 honor roll and high honor roll students! Thanks for all the work and support to our staff and families!

Congratulations to our Grade 8 basketball players!!!

Way to go to our JFK/AFM Complex Student Ambassadors! And happy 100th day of school!!!

What an AWESOME way to start the week! FWHMS Grade 6 Honors/High Honors students! So proud of our young Chargers!

Senior night starting at 6:30! Thank you ladies for your dedication to Charger Basketball!