Millville Elementary School is one of three elementary schools in the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District , and the only school located in the town of Millville . We proudly serve our student body of 300 students in grades preschool through five, assuring that each is provided a rigorous, yet accessible, educational experience. As partners in education, parents and community are integral to our success. Volunteers help us through their regular assistance in classes, on special occasions, through projects, fundraising and by offering enriching activities. Due to the efforts the Millville Elementary School Parents Association, our students have opportunities for after school clubs and activities, field trips, special programs, and more.
The Blackstone-Millville Regional School District was established in 1967 to serve the needs of students from the towns of Blackstone and Millville. The District consists of one elementary school in Millville, two elementary schools in Blackstone, one Middle School and one High School.
In recent years, the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District has constructed two new elementary schools as well as rehabilitated the John F. Kennedy School. The District also opened the new Frederick W. Hartnett Middle School in August of 2003.
Members of the Blackstone-Millville Regional District School Committee are elected at large from the two member communities. Each of the eight members, four from each community, serves a four-year term. Two members stand for election each April.
Our mission is to challenge students in a safe and stimulating environment where ideas are shared and change is embraced in a collaborative effort to improve teaching and learning. We nurture the values of academic achievement, good citizenship, and self-worth by providing a flexible, supportive, and responsive learning environment characterized by high expectations. We are committed to the academic, social/emotional, and physical well-being of all.
The Blackstone-Millville School District embodies an appreciation of life-long learning; excellence in individual and educational programs; and shared accountability among students, staff, parents and citizens of the community. Everyone works together in an environment founded upon trust, integrity, fairness, open-communication and the belief that all individuals can learn.
Academic Standards and Expectations
Our school community believes that all students can learn and meet high standards while realizing that some students must overcome significant barriers. Students are offered an ambitious and rigorous course of study designed to maximize opportunities for future success.
Leadership is a key element of successful schools. All leaders, formal and informal, should proactively seek areas of improvement and develop and research options and propose solutions. Formal leaders will encourage and foster utilization of best practices.
Teaching and Professional Development
Teacher effectiveness is based on deep content knowledge and instructional skills and ongoing professional growth. Teaching is adjusted and is based on frequent monitoring of student progress and needs. A strong emphasis is placed on training and support in areas of most need.
Climate and Learning Environment
The school has a safe, healthy and intellectually stimulating learning environment. Our school climate fosters positive character traits. Students feel respected and connected with the staff and are engaged in learning.
Family and Community
There is a sense that all have a responsibility to educate students. Parents bring their own strengths, skills, perspectives and knowledge to the educational process, and all need to be welcomed and respected for their contributions. All students will be engaged. Positive conditions which address the whole child will be present and will address the physical, social, and emotional needs of students.
Collaboration and Communication
There is strong teamwork among teachers across all grades and with other staff. Everybody is involved and connected to each other, including parents and members of the community in working together to identify problems and work on solutions. Communication should be timely and contain appropriate information for the audience and be presented with an effective communication medium.