Solar Eclipse

Dress as your favorite book character day is TODAY!

From PTO:
Join us for Family Movie Night! See Super Mario Brothers with your family and friends at JFK/AFM Elementary School, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. (check-in 5:45). Cost is $15 per family and includes popcorn and water (other snacks available for purchase). Get your tickets online here (tickets must be purchased in advance by March 22):

Reading Week is approaching! Family Reading Night will be held on 3/7. Please use this link to register https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmlsO-1Aegs6Zdg95ymDnTz8Pu-x_S5iGR8qGToCHyWmXUHA/viewform

March 14 is Pie in the Face Day! Tickets are on sale after vacation $3 a pie!

Happy vacation! Enjoy and be safe!

Hope everyone is enjoying your summer! If your child missed the last day of school, please contact the main office at 508-876-0119 to arrange report card pick up.

Love For Reading (reading day) 3/2/2023
Sign up for our Night Event Here

Feb 10 Providence Bruins game.

Please find the bus routes for the new school year on the District web page using the link below.
Please email Matthew Ehrenworth, Assistant Superintendent, mehrenworth@bmrsd.net or Keith Ducharme, BMRHS Assistant Principal, kducharme@bmrsd.net with any questions.

Order your yearbook today!

Posted on Tuesday, April 5, 2021 by Jenny Chan-Remka
The JFK/AFM Elementary Complex is pleased to share that the school has submitted its Notice of Intent to Apply on Monday, March 22, 2021 to apply for a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21stCCLC) grant through the Massachestt State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) this spring 2021. In 1994, the U.S. Congress authorized the establishment of the 21st CCLC program to provide a broad and consistent source for out-of-school time funding. The Every Student Succeeds Act was signed by President Obama on December 15, 2015 to reauthorize 21st CCLC funding, originally part of the No Child Left Behind Act. The purpose of the 21st CCLC is to create community learning centers that provide students with academic enrichment opportunities as well as additional services to complement their regular school day academics. For more information or to discuss partnership opportunities for out-of-school programming at the JFK/AFM Elementary Complex, please email jchan-remka@bmrsd.net

Tomorrow, Friday, 1/29 is going to be very cold! 💨🌬 Please dress warm! Layers, hats and gloves! Bundle up, Charger Family 💛💜

Please find a message from the Regional Agreement Amendment Committee on the draft changes to our regional agreement. Check it out and reach out with any questions!

A message on inclusivity and unity from BMRSD: https://vimeo.com/425116707

As I just walked out of the office for the day and took in the surroundings I wanted to share that we are still here, we miss you all, and cannot wait for everyone to return.

Please see the link below for Monday & Wednesday food drop-off sites and times. Please outreach with any questions - thank you. https://www.bmrsd.net/o/bmrsd/page/covid-19-information--57

Wow! So impressed with our elementary students! They are reading machines!! Just checked in on our MyON e-library. Look at these numbers! Our students have read almost 7,800 books! And 2,347 hours of “eyes on text” - YAHOO! Keep going, Young BMR Scholars!

Per the Governor's executive order announced a bit earlier today, all schools will be closed beyond the initial April 6th date to now Monday, May 4th. I will be back in touch Friday with an update on our learning plans and food service moving forward.

I’m so impressed by our BMRSD Leadership Team! This was today’s Leadership Team meeting.
Students, families and staff: we are trying like heck to make this the best possible experience for everyone. Blessed to be leading such a dedicated team of educators. Hang in there!