It's time once again to purchase the BMR Yearbook. The price of the yearbook is determined by when you purchase it. The earlier you buy, the bigger discount you will get.
Here is the remaining schedule this year:
Buy online on or before:
January 10 - $80 + $3.99 processing fee = $83.99
January 31 - $90 + $3.99 processing fee = $93.99
February 1 and after - $100 + $3.99 processing fee = $103.99
To buy, click here
If you can’t or don't want to buy a yearbook online, the club will accept checks or cash. Make the checks payable to BMR Yearbook.
Also, if you want autograph pages, which we recommend if you plan to get a lot of autographs as the yearbook will only have 2 pages for this, you should buy them via cash or check. The online price is $10, but if you pay by check or cash, it's only $4. Give checks or cash to Mr. Juba or Yearbook Editor-in-Chief Renee Arcand
The Blackstone-Millville Regional High School Yearbook, whose official name is Unitas, is an annual publication the student body looks forward to seeing each year.
ALL BMR STUDENTS are eligible to join this extra-curricular club that meets after-school. The faculty advisor is Mark Juba. Yearbook meets Tuesday after-school from October to December, then every Tuesday and Thursday from December until final deadline, which is usually the last week in March. The club's annual pizza party, where all members who contributed to the book positively are personally invited, is traditionally held during the seniors' last week of classes.
The club's mission is to provide a record of the people and biggest events at BMR for its respective year. Every student who attends BMR should have their picture in the book at least once, with a goal of at least two photos per student. The Yearbook averages around 160 pages and is printed in full color.
It is first given out at Senior Banquet, which is traditionally held the Wednesday before Graduation but can also be held at the end of May. The underclassmen start getting their books the following day.
The Yearbook is totally self-sufficient, with the club meeting its printing cost through the sale of books, business ads and senior parent congratulation testimonials.