The BMRHS rendition of The Elf on the Shelf Must Die. ❤️💚

What fun! Grade 4 holiday sing along!

What a treat! A visit to our Holiday Cafe with some of our FWHMS' best students! Thanks so much for the invite 💜💛

The FWHMS Elf on the Shelf popped up in another interesting place this morning surprising our students!

Congratulations to our BMRHS John & Abigail Adams Scholarship recipients. So proud of our Charger scholars!

Girls Middle School and JV basketball practice is cancelled today

Our BMRHS Chorus sounds beautiful at tonight's concert- amazing work! 💜💛

8th graders playing in the middle school basketball games today should take the regularly scheduled athletic shuttle to the middle school.

There might have been an Elf on the Shelf and Grinch sighting earlier today at FWH Middle School! A little holiday fun in BMR this week! ❤️💚-💜💛

This week's game schedule. Go Chargers!

What a week it was in Charger Nation! Athletic competitions fired up, our band performed their holiday concerts, the BMRHS men's & women's groups were in Worcester volunteering and so much more! Let's finish strong this week as we wrap up for the holiday season. Go Chargers! 💜💛

Boys JV basketball wins their first game of the season 45-36 against Keefe Tech

The Boys Leadership Group volunteered at the Pernet Family Center, learning valuable skills and helping a great organization. The girls leadership group heads there tomorrow.

Cheer practice and tryouts have been cancelled for today. Stay tuned for updates regarding tomorrow.

We had a great first indoor track meet last night at Northbridge High School. We have our first home basketball games this Thursday and Friday.

Congratulations to our grades 6 & 7 band in tonight's holiday concert! 💜💛

All athletic user fees are due! Please submit payment through the unipay link at bmrsd.net/chargers or bring a check to the main office. No athletic participation is allowed until the fee has been paid. Reach out to dgaudet@bmrsd.net and Kstearman@bmrsd.net for any questions.

For all athletic communication, please follow our Athletics website ( bmrsd.net/Athletics )and join the team specific SPORTSYOU accounts

ATTN: Due to today's weather, Thursday, 12/5, BMRSD will open on a 2 hour delay. Safe travels!

Important Tryout/Practice Information for Winter Sports:
Head to the Athletics Tab on the District Website and click on "winter tryout information" for all tryout details for winter sports
Athletic fees are due December 6th