The following subcommittees have been established for the 2024-2025 Academic  Year: 

Finance Subcommittee: 

-Work with the Leadership Team and Director of Finance and Operations to recommend annual  operating and capital budgets. 

-Make recommendations and communicate with Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer  - Review audits of finances. 

-Interact with town officials/finance committees during annual budget formation - Review income and expenses over the course of the year and bring recommended  transfers between cost centers to the full Committee.

-Review and recommend staff additions when there are changes to the adopted  budget. -Work directly with Town planning/building commissions or appropriate bodies - Propose capital projects and follow through with MSBA, Town Officials and others to  ensure progress towards completion of projects.

Capital Planning Subcommittee: 

- Annually Review facilities plans with Leadership to ensure infrastructure needs are being addressed.

- Work directly with Town planning/building commissions or appropriate bodies.

- Propose capital projects and follow through with MSBA, Town Officials and others to ensure progress towards completion of projects.

- Review District Technology Plan to ensure technology support of educational program, curriculum and staffing needs.

- Make recommendations to entire Committee for improvements or upgrades to satisfy the needs of the District.


- Conduct Collective Bargaining with Unions. 

Superintendent Evaluation: 

-Design, organize and implement annual evaluation of the Superintendent (goals and School Committee feedback). 

-Recommend Compensation for superintendent (to be discussed with the School Committee as a whole). 

-Review non-represented contracts at time of renewal and bring them to the full Committee as  required. 


-To initiate an annual review of Programs and Protocols as outlined in the Policy  Manual and State Regulations.

-Bring policy recommendations to the full School Committee as recommended by MASC. 

-To support the efforts of the District Wellness Committee.

Sick Bank:

-To review requests from bargaining unit member(s), along with the leadership of the appropriate bargaining unit, to determine whether the requested days from the sick bank can be approved.  


Capital Planning



Superintendent Evaluation 

Sick Bank 

Keri Gaudette

Keri Gaudette

Matthew Catalano

Matthew Catalano

Erin Vinacco

Keri Gaudette

Tara Larkin

Tara Larkin

Ted Novio

Tara Schouboe

Ted Novio

Daniel Keefe

Charles Dunton

Daniel Keefe/

Erin Vinacco

Erin Vinacco

Tara Larkin