ELL Program Information for Parents
There are approximately 29 students enrolled in the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District ELL program. The ELL program is provided in the 3 elementary schools, the Hartnett Middle School and at Blackstone-Millville Regional High School. The ELL staff works in close contact and collaboration with classroom teachers, support personnel, the building principals and parents to ensure the best programming possible for each child.
English Language Learner Program Goals:
To provide a welcoming environment where students feel free to take risks and explore the English Language.
To facilitate the rapid acquisition of English Language development in order for students to participate fully in all general education activities.
To facilitate the development of English language skills and comprehension in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Blackstone-Millville Regional School District’s ELL program uses strategies to help the students master English as quickly as possible. The program is designed to develop appropriate academic and social skills, and progress in content areas without loss of achievement due to English proficiency. The setting is interactive and integrates skills and concepts in meaningful and useful terms to the students so that teachers can respond to the varying learning styles, cultural backgrounds and language levels.
ELL students come to Blackstone-Millville Regional School District from varied backgrounds, different educational backgrounds and cultural experiences. Some have been taught English as a foreign language; others have had little or no experience with the English language. Annual turnover of ELL students entering and leaving our school system continues to create a challenge. This movement requires constant communication, a flexible staff, and scheduling changes at each school level.