ELL Entrance and Exit Procedures
Students exit from the ELL program once they reach a 5 (Bridging) on the ACCESS test that is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in the winter of each year. Students new to the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District participate in the MODEL test in the fall during the year they enter our system and the ACCESS Test in the winter of their first year.
The levels of proficiency for the ACCESS are Level 1 - Entering, Level 2 - Beginning, Level 3 – Developing, Level 4 – Expanding, and Level 5 – Bridging.
Once there is evidence that the student is able to successfully participate in grade appropriate content and continues to perform on par with his or her peers (e.g., grades, state assessments, work samples). Parents and classroom teachers are notified in writing when a student is reclassified to monitor status.
It is a state regulation that students who exit the ELL program be monitored for two years to ensure that they are having success in the regular classroom. At the end of each grading period classroom teachers are given a “Monitor Reporting Survey.” The purpose of this document is to indicate if the student is experiencing academic difficulties. If the student is experiencing difficulty related to language development, he/she will be readmitted to the ELL program.
Monitoring is ended after two years if the results of the monitoring indicate that the student is having success in the mainstream and demonstrates English proficiency.